Thursday, January 2, 2020

Origins Of The Mormon Pioneers - 901 Words

Early Mormon Pioneers sacrificed much along the challenging journey. Many of the Mormon pioneers arrived only because of the helpful sharing with each other along the way that branded those early pioneers. After arriving in Utah, they wanted to further their Utopian movement. Mormons consecrated their talents and meager funds all together, to begin construction of the Salt Lake City temple (Scott). The Utopian society of Mormon’s believed that the legacy, authority, and influence of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for their perfect world, stems from the highest â€Å"reality† that the Church s beginning was celestial: in other words, the Mormon history is not that of man s reorganization but of God s re-establishment of the truth within their perfect Utopian society. Thus, a restoration of the original church of Jesus Christ and the apostles was vital; improvement alone, was not enough. The Mormon members and followers believe that many truths had been lost over history and over time when the power to act in God’s name was taken from the earth. They believed it went with the executions of the apostles. The followers of this movement and community believe that restoration was and is still crucial as a prelude to the second coming of Christ. Today the church has a worldwide community of approximately 15 million members and faithful followers (Utopia and Dystopia). Today, with over seven million members in the United States alone, Mormonism is among the fastestShow MoreRelatedHistory 3260 MIDTERM PART ONE Essay2227 Words   |  9 PagesBy exploring the different facets and predominant activities of 1850s and beyond we can find clues as to the origins and ultimate fate of the region . 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