Thursday, October 31, 2019

Organisational Changes in Kraft-Cadbury Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Organisational Changes in Kraft-Cadbury - Essay Example According to 2009 reports the company had manufacturing facilities throughout the world, the key locations being Africa, Australia, India and Japan (Cadbury-website-d, n.d.). Another significant confectionery organization that has stamped a mark in the history of the food industry is Illinois based Kraft Foods, Inc. (Kraft), that has â€Å"come a long way since J. L. Kraft started selling cheese from a horse-drawn wagon in 1903† (Kraft Foods Inc.-website-a, n.d.). The company had a portfolio of nine major brands, and it claimed that â€Å"Whether watching your weight or preparing to celebrate, grabbing a quick bite or sitting down to family night, we pour our hearts into creating foods that are wholesome and delicious† (Kraft Foods Inc.-website-b, n.d.). Kraft ranks globally second among food companies and talking about its acquisition of Cadbury it says that â€Å"The combination of Kraft Foods and Cadbury creates a global powerhouse in snacks, confectionery, and quic k meals† (Kraft Foods Inc.-website-c, n.d.). The acquisition of Cadbury by Kraft has given rise to a significant amount of tension among different quarters that range from the management to the union. According to the reports by Clinton Manning and Cecilia Felice, â€Å"Felicity Loudon begged shareholders to reject the 850p a share takeover offer and urged them to keep the 186-year-old company British in memory of her ancestor John Cadbury† (Manning & DFelice, 2010). Further, commenting on the said deal, the legendary investor Warren Buffet, who is also the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. – the biggest shareholder of Kraft, has said that â€Å"I think it’s a bad deal, I have a lot of doubts† (Frye, McGee & Schectman, 2010).

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Anti-Drinking Campaign in the University Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Anti-Drinking Campaign in the University - Essay Example This paper details why a total ban on alcohol cannot work citing developments that occurred during the American Prohibition era as a sample case study. Further, it explains the reasons why Community College Events should be factored in when controlling alcohol use. The next section mirrors on ways or methods which should be adopted to arrest the problem. The last section is conclusion and recommendations. This research proposal aims to achieve to a number of objectives. The overall objective is to demonstrate the importance of reducing and managing alcoholism in the University of Minnesota and how the budget of doing that can be reduced. Casaddy, Flora and Foote observe that community events are sometimes characterized by students and underage youths easily getting drunk because of availability of alcohol. About 50% of alcohol intake at community festivals is done by students or youth. These authors propose alcohol ban or restrictions in colleges or community events by curtailing sal es through policies such as ID checking or reducing the number of servings that are extended to individuals. This is their view ultimately minimizes access of alcohol by students. They further cite studies which shown that in an average event 50% those that are already intoxicated have 80% chance of buying more. Further, this kind of behavior sometimes brings about disruption, vandalism and other anti-social behaviors. In 2004 professional basketball, a number of these behaviors were witnessed with many drunken students throwing beer bottles and cups at players on the court. Thus measures such as stopping alcohol sales at some point are important in mitigating such occurrences.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Personality Traits And Leadership Abilities

Personality Traits And Leadership Abilities Admittedly, the relationship between Personality traits and leadership effectiveness has generated a lot of interest from researchers in different fields. Many a times, a consensus has been reached suggesting that an individuals successful leadership is determined by his/her personality traits (Matthews, Deary, Whiteman, 2003). In such situations, personality traits are used to measure the leadership performance of such individuals. The assessment criteria typical in such a situation are usually based on the Five-Factor framework, which is often employed as a framework account for analyzing individual traits of individuals. Other ways that have been used to identify whether an individual includes using trait approach to determine charismatic leadership (Goleman, 2004). Over and above, the general question that needs to be explained is whether personality tests can be applied to determine the leadership abilities of individuals (Hackman, Wageman, 2007). Although research studies have showed that aptitude with respect to leadership can ascertained through the evaluation of personality traits, the tools that can be employed to determine their personality traits are faced with common errors and therefore subjecting the findings to warrant a discussion. Nonetheless, the extent to which personality traits can be used to predict an individuals leadership abilities is a matter that is still open to debate. Worse still, there are no proven universal characteristics or character traits used to measure leadership success of individuals. As certain clear characteristics can be seen in excellent leaders, other traits are acquired naturally. In addition to the Five-Factor Model and Charismatic leadership traits, other methods that can be used to predict leadership characters include the application of narrow verses broader perspectives of success in leadership with respect to how personality traits are applied in leadership activities. The Relationship between Leadership and Personality Traits Arguably, leadership ability comprises of various skills that can be acquired throughout an individuals career. It entails the process that makes an individual to be in a position of influencing the attitudes and behaviors of others. As opposed to leaders whose role is to exert influence upon the behaviors of fellow individuals, an effective leader not only exerts influence but also accomplishes organizational goals assigned to his/her leadership role (Robbins, and Judge, 2009). Generally, leaders are concerned with creating a visionary approach to their followers and in turn improving communication and coordination channels that are essential for the completion of the organizational goals while at the same time motivating their subordinates. There are several theories that have been put forward to aid in the measurement of leadership effectiveness. This includes but not limited to cognitive approach, situational approach, the behavioral approach, and lastly the trait approach. For purposes of the topic under discussion, the trait approach can be evaluated with respect to its concept of emphasizing an individuals abilities, personality, and other dispositions that can be used to characterize his/her personality (Matthews, Deary, Whiteman, 2003). The trait further proposes that majority of individuals with leadership capabilities are born with characteristics that are innate thereby giving them the ability to exert influence over other individuals. The Big Five or Five-Factor Model In addition to the issue of intelligence being the most effective trait in measuring managerial effectiveness, five dimensions that are based on personality traits can be used to identify and/or evaluate leadership traits of an individual. It is commonly referred to as the Big Five Model or the Five-Factor model, which is comprised of conscientiousness, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and emotional stability. Each of these factors is made of individual clusters that enable it to acquire specific traits that are closely related. However, all of these dimensions of personality comprising the model are used to describe the personality of human beings. Several advantages can be associated with using the Five-Factor Model as a choice of explaining leadership abilities based on personality traits (Judge, and Bono, 2000). Firstly, it enables researchers to achieve orderliness in the research field that has been in need of such a model for a long period. Secondly, findings from numerous studies can be compared side by side to using elements of meta-analysis. Lastly, the big five elements are often considered to be a common language when it comes to describing the personality of individuals given that the probability of researcher agreeing over personality aspects is very high. Limitations of the Big Five-Factor Model Although the Five-Factor model seems to be a convincing approach of evaluating leadership abilities based on personality characteristics, a number of conceptual and utility drawbacks limits its application. This includes but is not limited to unavailability of agreement between the different aspects that make up the model. For instance, naming of the elements that make up the five personality factors differ significantly in terms of defining each factor (Judge, and Bono, (2000). Additionally, these aspects do present a broad and cumbersome situation when it comes to describing personality when applied in the field of research. This is applicable when data is collected from the field and researchers have to determine the level of detail that needs to be applied in such a situation. Narrow and broad aspects have to be defined in order for the researchers to come up with a more detailed explanation of how personality traits affect leadership abilities. Lastly, this model has been criticized for its failure to explain all aspects that relate to human personality because it does not consider factors such as manipulativeness, honesty, sense of humor, and religiosity among others (Harris, 2006). Narrow vs. Broad Personality Aspects as Applied in Predicting Leadership Abilities In light of the evidence presented in the above analysis, it can be concluded that the application of the Five-Factor analysis to predict leadership capabilities of individuals failed to provide sufficient results. Therefore, narrow and broad personality factors can be applied in different situations to predict leadership abilities of various individuals (Harris, 2006). Narrow personality traits include primary factors whereas broad factors include global factors both, which are measured based on predictive power and utility aspects. Admittedly, personality has been used for a long time as form of measuring the performance and behavior of individuals in the workplace scenario. As such, narrow and broad aspects of personality do have an impact on the ability of leaders to do whatever they feel is right (Matthews, Deary, Whiteman, 2003). For this reason, a number of personality aspects, which determines the level of forcefulness that a leader will employ, realize his/her goals. In turn, an indication will be established to show how well a leader is prepared in attending to leadership priorities. The primary factors established include dominance and social boldness, both of which are very important in determining leadership skills. On the other hand, broad factors include those that affect independent leadership abilities such as openness to change and vigilance. However, they are not so important personality traits that influence leadership abilities of such individuals as compared to narrow aspects. As it can be seen from the above discussion, understanding the factors that influence leaders to do actions that must be done in order to achieve their goals in addition to their independence. It is useful in getting an overall picture of the nature of abilities in leadership and the corresponding relationship to personality. Primary factors enable an individual to determine the qualities that will enable him or her to specify his abilities that will enable him to succeed as a leader. Additionally, the predictive power of leaders are often distinguished in terms of broad and narrow personality perspectives. In turn, competencies in different leadership scenarios can be ascertained by comparing the factors that determine their personality traits. Conclusion Admittedly, for a long time, personality traits have been employed to predict the extent to which an individuals leadership abilities can be ascertained. In fact, the issue has been subjected to numerous debates but over and above all, a consensus that has been agreed upon is that personality traits do predict leadership abilities (Block, 2010). From a managerial point of view, management officials not have a say in the general performance of an organization but also do play an important role in influencing the performance of their seniors or subordinates (Robbins, and Judge, 2009). Conversely, theories have been put forward to explain ways in which personality traits influence leadership performance. A good example is the application of the Big Five model or Five-Factor model as a method of assessing the impacts of personality traits on leadership performance. This framework has been used to account for reasons as to why individual trait differences exist. Generally, the dimensions used to construct this model differ in terms of the dimensions used to describe it but also the nature in which they are constructed. However, the model failed to consider all personality aspects that make up the general humanity perspectives. This led to the explanation of personality traits from a narrow and broad perspective. Additionally, these factors were found to influence leadership abilities of individual using primary and global factors. Generally, what matters the most is the value of a personality trait in influencing the personality trait of an individual (Hackman, Wage man, 2007). In light of evidence presented in this paper, the extent to which personality traits can be used to influence leadership abilities is dependent on the value of the trait in influencing the decision of the individual (Block, 2010). This can be assessed using narrow measures in order to ascertain the effect that the trait brings with respect to the choices made.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Navigational Tools :: Websites Internet Technology Computers Essays

Navigational Tools When designing a website, a web designer must develop and create an effective way of navigating his or her website. When doing this job, the web designer must keep the principle of compensation in mind. According to authors Killingsworth and Gilbertson â€Å"in every revision of a text, something is lost and something is gained† (45). Using this principle of compensation, a web designer must realize the consequences for choosing a picture, icon, or text to represent links on his or her web page. For each one there are advantages and drawbacks, which if weighed or balanced properly can enhance that web designer’s page. Human beings by nature are visually oriented; therefore, the web designer should find a satisfactory medium between the use and placement of either text or graphics. According to Brad Bachetti in his response â€Å"Creating a Roadmap†, â€Å" If both text and graphics are used to represent the button, it is visually appealing to keep the text and g raphics of equal width. This is exemplified on the main page of the WebCT course page† (Bachetti). If we take a look at the WebCT course page, we will find this to be true. The WebCT course page also exemplifies the principle of compensation. The pictures that accompany the text not only compliment each other in width and size, but also enhance each other. Together the pictures and text convey better meaning then they would if they stood alone, thus allowing for easy navigation on the course page. Sometimes though a web designer may only want to use a picture, icon, or text to represent a link or navigational tool on a website. According to Principles of Web Design, by David and Jean Farkas, â€Å"Links must make clear their destinations the page that the link will display† (209). Using this simple principle put forth by the authors, a web designer may encounter problems when dealing with pictures and icons to represent links or navigational tools. According to Farkas, â€Å"to design links that will communicate their destination clearly, you need to think about your audience and their information needs† (Farkas 209). A picture and icon may have different connative or denotative meanings for people of a different age, gender, race, or nationality. That being stated icons and pictures have some significant advantages over text links. For example, a familiar one is processed faster, icons communicate across languages and cultures, they are visually interesting, and they often save space (Farkas 211).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The crucible coursework

‘The Crucible' is a play written by Arthur Miller in the 1950's. It is a play based on the Salem witch trials. It is fictionally retelling the events that occurred in the 17th century. It was written at the time of the McCarthy era, where many innocent people had been accused of communism. Senator Joseph McCarthy influenced society so that they feared communism by accusing various different people of it. McCarthy abused his power of sending fear into the society, and used it to his advantage. The Crucible focuses on the abuse of power in a theocratic society, where religion is supreme and controls everyone in the society. This then gave power to people who claimed and were said to be closest to God, such as ministers and reverends. Status played a vital role in both the society and in the play, where the people with status controlled the society and manipulated everybody's minds, so that they believed that they were right. This was the principle of the theocratic society, where the people that never worshipped or followed God would be against him and therefore against the society and its laws. Then they would be punished, such as being hung. This is displayed in ‘The Crucible' play many times, as many people are hung due to ‘conjuring the devil.' This paranoia of ‘the devil' in their society leads those with power to abuse it by continuing to falsely accuse people and making them lead to death, which is what McCarthyism was all about. This can be shown in ‘The Crucible' as John Proctor (The main character) was lead to death. In this essay I will be focussing on how miller tries to convince the audience that John Proctor is the play's hero. At the beginning of Act 1, Arthur Miller introduces John Proctor as ‘a powerful and an even tempered man.' Miller gives us the sense that Proctor is a well respected man, who is feared in Salem. ‘Proctor, respected and even feared in Salem.' This makes us feel that Proctor is noble and therefore is playing the role of a hero. Proctor has earned the respect of the village in the past. In the introduction of Proctor it is hinted that he is playing as the hero, ‘a fool felt his foolishness instantly' which shows that Proctor will not stand foolishness in his presence and that he is a powerful person. When the audience first see Proctor, in the conversation between Mary and Abigail, Proctor fills the atmosphere with fear. ‘Mary warren, barely speak with embarrassment and fear.' This shows Proctors authority. Miller shows fear by showing Proctors dominance with his servant Mary Warren. ‘Be you foolish Mary warren? Be you deaf? I forbid you leave the house.' Proctor treats Mary harshly and shows persistent dominance abruptly. This shows the power and influence Proctor has. Later, when Proctor is talking to Abigail, we are told about the affair he has had with her. This is a non-heroic act. Although Proctor has had an affair with Abigail, he feels guilty about it and says no to Abigail ‘Abby, I never give you hope to wait for me.' This shows that Proctor does not want to pursue their relationship. Proctor is shown to still have love for his wife Elizabeth, as in the opening scene Abigail talks ill of her and in reply Proctor gives her a threat. ‘Do you look fo r a whipping?' In Act 2, Proctor is accused of not going to Church, and not being Christian. However Proctor replies that he has helped build the church. ‘I nailed the roof upon the church, I hung the door.' Here Miller shows Proctor being a good Christian and a righteous man as he has helped build the church. Various characters in the play respect Proctor and they ask for his opinion and guidance. ‘John-tell me, are we lost?' Here a character asks Proctor for guidance and relies on his answer. In the same act Miller also shows us that proctor is a noble person and tries to put things right. He tries to gain forgiveness from his wife, but John's guilt and her coldness makes him feel unforgiven. ‘You forget nothin, and you forgive nothin.' In the same conversation Elizabeth asks Proctor about why he lied to her about being alone with Abigail, Proctor replies it has been seven months since the affair. ‘Were I a stone, I would have cracked for shame this seven month.' Here proctor is ashamed of himself. This shows that he is a hero as he is regretting and repenting on his sin. In Act 2 Proctor risks his liberty for Elizabeth as he rips up the warrant for Elizabeth's arrest, and he is not worried about authority. This is heroic behaviour as he loves his wife, and is defending her by risking his liberty. This is shown later again, when Proctor forgets his own needs for Elizabeth. We are told that Proctor doesn't lie and tells things the way they are. He speaks his mind. ‘I labour the earth from dawn of day to blink of night and I tell you true.' This shows that Proctor is a trust worthy person. In Act 3, Proctor defends his friends and their wives as they are accused of conjuring the devil. This gets him into trouble as the court thinks that he is rebelling with their decision. This makes him heroic as he is getting himself into trouble for others. Later, Proctor tries to stop Giles Corey from getting into more trouble. ‘Peace Giles, we'll prove it all now.' After trying to stop the proceedings, Proctor finally admits to the affair with Abigail. ‘I lusted, and there is a promise in such a sweat.' Here Proctor is telling the truth, just like a typical hero. In Acts 2, 3 and 4, a lot of different people are accused for witchcraft. An allegation is also made against John Proctor for conjuring the devil. As a result of this he is put in jail. Proctor doesn't want his friends being accused of witch craft, or conjuring the devil. This is why he confesses to something he didn't do and accepts total responsibility for it. Although Proctor confesses and signs on the paper, he doesn't want his good name put to shame and his children's name ruined. So this is why he confesses but rips up the paper he signed on. As a result Proctor is hung. Proctor made a sacrifice for his friends with his own freedom. This is why he can be known as the play's hero. Many people in Salem, especially Rebecca Nurse thinks he is noble and respects him a lot. In conclusion I would say that ‘The Crucible' is an excellent play, based on the events that occurred during the Salem witch trials. In general I think that it has been an interesting play to read about. This is why it has already been adapted to produce a film from it. Overall I think that Miller has used many techniques in trying to convince us that John Proctor is the play's hero. From showing us that Proctor is a sinner, having affairs, to a noble and kind hearted person, who risked his own life for his friends. I would partly agree with Millers point of view, thinking John Proctor is the play's hero. My reasons for this are that a hero should be noble and honest and Proctor is. However Proctor is said to have committed sin and is a fraud as he has had an affair with Abigail. Apart from this I would agree with Miller as Proctor has sacrificed his own freedom for the sake of his friends.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Myrtle Wilson Themes of Class and Wealth Essay

We get the feeling that Myrtle Wilson is not an especially smart woman. Strung along by Tom, Myrtle is convinced that he loves her and would leave his wife for her if he could. The whole bit about Daisy being a Catholic and not believing in divorce is, as Nick points out, not remotely true. Because she is unhappy in her marriage to George, Myrtle is drawn to Tom for certain specific reasons. George is passive, but Tom is controlling and authoritative. Myrtle puts up with Tom’s physical abuse because she equates it with masculinity – a quality that in her mind is lacking in her husband. She even yells at George, â€Å"throw me and down and beat me, you dirty little coward!† Myrtle also adds to the novel’s themes of class and wealth. She insists that she married below her caste, that she believed certain things about George until they got married and it was too late, he borrowed a suit for the wedding, for example. Since Myrtle is quite obviously below the Buchanan’s class (yet another reason she goes for Tom), Fitzgerald ridicules her for insisting that she is above her husband. Myrtle has many hopes and Myrtle never really loved Tom but just wanted his money. She called his house during dinner to talk to him without even thinking that he might get caught. She does not respect him at all except for when she wants something. When she and Tom are at the party at the apartment, she disrespects Daisy and Tom hits her in the nose. Myrtle only wants to get away from the poor life with George and live more luxuriously with another man. She hopes that someday that Tom will leave Daisy and they can live together. The nature of Myrtle Wilson is apparent at the party in the apartment. Even though alcohol is prohibited during this time, she drinks freely. She also says that when she first met Tom Buchanan, she was attracted to him by his suit. Myrtle says, he had on a dress suit and patent leather shoes and I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. Myrtle is materialistic and she was very impressed with the expensive suit Tom had on. This meeting made her think even less of George because he had to borrow a suit for their wedding. Myrtle Wilson is a woman stuck in a bad marriage that can lone think of the higher part of society. She wants to have a rich husband and an expensive lifestyle. Her dream of such a lifestyle eventually leads to her demise.